Colton Parker

Colton Parker

I had a new goal in 2018 that I wanted to achieve but was never interested in before. I wanted to become more mentally mature, obtain more perspective on preparing myself for the future, and learn about real-world problems and perceptions that had bored me in the past.
By the middle of 2018, I met Duane Ausherman when I was hired to work as a part-time sales associate for GNC. I personally never met a human being who made me learn something new every time we talked, such as a perspective, life tip, or an accolade to be used for success. I chose Duane to be a mentor and an advocate for me because he is the exact person I need to surround myself with to grow mentally. I have always reached out to him for advice. I never met someone who tended to guide me in the right direction so quickly while having the goal to help me grow mentally due to that being a personal flaw in my past. Duane is one of the smartest, most positive men I know, so I chose him to be my mentor.
Updated 29 April 2024
The first chapter of my adulthood dates back to 2020, when I graduated from college. I got my first job at General Nutrition Cooperation (GNC) and only had a meniscal 900 dollar in my name. I was living with my fiancée (girlfriend then) and her mother.
In July of 2021, I graduated from the Police Academy to begin my career in Law Enforcement. This specific job specification upholds a consistent 6-figure pay grade, which includes medical benefits. Since we are on mandatory overtime, overtime is currently unlimited. Due to unlimited overtime, I can work however much I want, which can aid any substantial financial burdens life can throw at me. I have been a sworn Deputy Sheriff for over two years. I purchased a newly built home for my fiancée in the past year. I obtained a German Shepherd Puppy named Axel, bought a new vehicle, invested in a solar system for my home, invested in a complete backyard furnished with beautiful backyard necessities, completely furnished the interior of the house, and most importantly, proposed to my Fiancée whom I have been dating for approximately eight years. The wedding takes place later this year.
To summarize the imprudent values of this year, I could work hard, stay motivated when failures consistently arose, and go from having hardly anything to nearly everything a stable man can dream of, with the addition of many desired rewards, also called “Wants.”
However, this was not obtained easily and will continue to be so. I have trialed through the stressful and expensive 6-8 month background process at least six times before achieving success. The core values and characteristics needed to perform exceptionally in this dangerous and stressful career were all learned throughout my life from 18 years of sports and my three years at GNC. I always had to test my mentality to keep learning about maturity and life as much as possible. With that, I still am learning. I have had to overcome countless scenarios of stress and challenging tasks to meet such requirements and fulfill this profession. The police academy, in general, was a very stressful, militarized structure with hundreds of difficult tests which, if failed even a couple of times, would result in immediate disqualification.
My future is always branching in expansion. However, my main goal is to achieve the rank of Sergeant and hopefully be promoted further through Captain. The specified duties of K9, SWAT, and the Aviation Unit are all possible pathways I am interested in pursuing. On a more personal level, getting married, having a healthy marriage, having kids, becoming debt-free, and preparing for a healthy retirement after Law Enforcement are key goals I have prioritized in what I think a happy life would consist of for me.
Reflecting on my life, I am grateful for the influential peers and mentors I study and surround myself with daily, who have set me up for a more successful future.
Elements of my maturity that I feel have helped me gain the most effective traction on the success train consist of the following:
Acceptance that life is very difficult and that certain foundations from certain people, economic groups, financial groups, and the government will always make it nearly impossible to get ahead.
I am learning to master my Emotional Maturity (EM) to stay mentally stable and battle through negativity, such as loss and failures.
Understanding and utilizing my Type-A ADHD programmed brain as a tool to work hard, stay motivated, and compete to win success.
I always look at the positive side of everything in life, especially when life becomes negative. This causes me to be grateful, help others achieve their goals, and make me a better person, especially those close to me and whom I call family.
Research everything! I research even the tiniest decisions to solidify the best possible outcome. On the other hand, getting used to making risky or uncomfortable decisions should always be an option within the possibilities of decision-making when applicable.
Last but not least, don’t get complacent. Pacing yourself is healthy when able to do so since life is, in fact, hard. However, you must recognize your mental limits and not bring yourself out of motivation, dedication, and passion. Always continue to learn something new every day. I make it a mission to be young and achieve just as much as someone decades older than me, but staying humble and true to myself while doing it. I want to win at life. However, I must always remind myself of W.I.N. (What’s Important Now).