Geraldine Chavira

I love how unexpected life can be.

I met Duane Ausherman in 2016 during my work at GNC.  At the time, I had no clue how important this man would be in my life.

Duane has been my mentor and friend ever since.  He has taught me how to network, focus on my strengths, and be an opportunist.

We have become very close, he has met my mother and sister, and has even gone to support me in my bodybuilding bikini competition.  He has been someone I go to when I have questions and need help figuring out what to do next.

We have spent so much time together that he is no longer a stranger, he is now family.

He continues to inspire me every day to do things that challenge me.  I am now a more open, curious, and enlightened person thanks to Duane.

Thank you, Duane, for being there through the good and the bad times and for showing me how to really care and love a person.  You take care of everyone you love so well and never think twice about helping others.  You are selfless and so kind.  The world has genuinely gotten lucky having such a spectacular person like you to positivity impact so many people lives!

Thank you

Sincerely, Geraldine Chavira

Dear Geraldine, encourage your friends to help you remember everything in your update.  I will be very happy to publish it.